Week 8

In this weeks material we learned about nanotech and art as it brigs a new world into our eyes, it goes beyond on what we believe art is today. It is on an uprising in the art culture as it brings you over the edge of what art actually is. Nanotechnology is “the branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.”
 Discussed in Dr. Gimzewski lecture, Nano particles are being used in applications for technology. Nanoparticles are being used in medicine for therapy to change people’s lives. These Nano particles are targeting certain tumors, drugs and it also offers great benefit for people that have cancer for their chemotherapy where they rejoice the toxicity for the treatment. For example, in 2005 Abraxane marketed cancer Nano drugs that consisted of chemotherapeutic with liposome or protein albumin.

Nanotechnology and art have many ideas and possibilities that can change the world. These possibilities can help people’s health, diseases and save lives. The art in nanotechnology it used in so many different ways with shapes, colors and structure. The artist Boo Chapple invented the nano scale of the femur bone. Chapple’s invention showed many possibilities of nanotechnology and art to create art with sound by vibration that creates beautiful things in life.

Overall, this week’s material was very interesting about nanotechnology and art showing the different inventions of nanoparticles. Also Chapple’s nano femur bone invention that creates vibration changes people’s lives.

-Kyle Molnar


“Nanotechnology.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, N.d. Web. 23 May 2016.

Naoparticle. Science Daily. ScienceDaily, N.d. Web. 28 May 2017

 “Visceral: Interview with Boo Chapple.” Sciencegallery.com N.p n.d. Web.

Vesna, Victoria. Lecture Part 2.

Vesna, Victoria, Lecture Part 3.


  1. I liked how you clearly defined what nanotechnology is, as well as the potential it holds for bettering our society. One factor I would like to introduce that has come up in past weeks is the idea that while nanotechnology has the potential to make groundbreaking discoveries especially in the medical field, it is hard to believe that everybody will have access to this medical care once it is discovered. These nanotechnological advances will be able to help people, but I fear that it will create an even larger socioeconomic gap in our society that already exists, with the rich being able to afford this healthcare and the poorer people getting left behind.


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